Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Ace of Spades?

   You may be asking this same question now, so stay a while and listen. Ace of Spades is a Voxel powered Team-based Capture the Flag/Intel shooter with fully destructible/constructible procedurally generated terrain.That should sound fucking awesome enough to get you to play already. However, the voxel-ness of it does make the graphics a bit trippy (especially when looking at anything up close) so you might wanna take that into account if you get motion sick easily. As in its bad to the point where if you look down, you will have to take a break... to puke. Running in the same vein as Infiniminer and Minecraft the world/map is composed of cubes which can be destroyed and placed by every player.At the start of each match you are given three weapons. A shovel, prefect for digging trenches, digs three blocks at once but does not give you any block to use. A pickaxe which digs slower, one block at a time, will however reward you with one block to place. My personal favorite yet almost most useless is the grenade, you spawn with two and they work as you would expect a grenade to, throw, wait, explode. However they can deform terrain and knock out enemy walls! And of course the handy dandy all important rifle, most likely a Gewehr 43 rifle, this will be the source of most of your kills. Like it's real life counterpart it fires semi-automatically and will kill in roughly three to four body hits and one shot to the head. Each soldier, blue or green are equipped with a map which displays not only the procedurally generated terrain but allies and buildings. Once you are able to get passed the current buggy hacker infested servers you are really able to have a good time! Checkout the website here. Be you blue or green, have fun!


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