Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Creator's Thoughts on the Future

   Ben Aksoy the creator of Ace of Spades has had a hard time keeping up with the demands of fans and the constant barrage of questions he is facing. Yet luckily we managed to get a few of ours answered!

 Me- " Just curious it doesn't seem like currently this game generates any revenue. What are your plans?"

Ben - "None right now, maybe a donation account or ads in the site in the future but I' like to keep the game free."

 Fan- "I'm not sure if you're well educated in warfare, but the main thing I can see happening that scares me is that this game's combat will become much too mobile in nature. This, of course, would be due to weapons that are naturally mobile in nature. For example, if you added things like submachine guns and sniper rifles, this game might become less of a "dig in and defend" sort and more capture the flag as in a game like Quake. This would make it more stale, and thus, less people would play it.

Now, I do think that more weapons and equipment should be added, whether it be class based (something that seems a bit unpopular) or otherwise. To keep the game fresh, however, they should be more defensive in nature. Maybe something around the lines of barbed wire blocks or static water cooled machine gun turrets deployable by special means, that have to be manned by a player. This would give the game a much more original feel, and probably maintain a healthy fanbase for quite a bit of time. Of course, making things TOO static would have the same effect as making things too mobile."

Ben- "You share the same viewpoints as me... I prefer slower paced tactical games so this will never be a twitch shooter, it will most likely veer towards your ideas. The game at a glance looks kind of farcade. but I try to add a little backdrop of realism to every element, even if it's a little abstract. I'm knee deep in connection issues and stuff now but after that I'll draw up a feature list." 

 Me- "You have said that you don't want it to be a "twitch" shooter and I agree. Yet I think over time one weapon (even with emplacements and turrets and whatever else) could get a bit stale. I know this is thinking a head a lot but how do you think you would implement more handheld weapon variants if any? Thanks!"

Ben- "Yeah definitely, more guns but I'll have to evaluate how I'm going to introduce them, whether by classes or points system, but most likely just a pick a fucking gun screen." 

Well, as you can see he has a decent idea of where he would like to take this game. I hope he sticks to it and creates a wonderful piece of art for us all to enjoy.


tgasdsfdb said...

Good to hear, I love this game.

f said...

Hello, nice blog and I bookmarked this. Is there any chance you can post this link on your blog? "http://steamcommunity.com/groups/AcespadesEU" I'll get this blog link in the steam group. I'm trying to gather up as much EU players as I can. We are sharing mods, Hosting/joining or teaming up on EU servers etc etc.

Unknown said...

"prefer slower paced tactical games so this will never be a twitch shooter"

Urgh... looks like my days with this game will be numbered then. Those modern FPSes are exactly what I play AoS to escape, and it would be perfect if they just got rid of the damn Ironsights. Honestly, at the speed at which the game flows and the dynamic movent possibilities on display, The Ironsights are every bit as out of place as... say, a sprint fuction would be.

If only there was an option to change the ironsight to just a crosshair zoom in, like Operation Flashpoint had.

Anonymous said...

I was honestly thinking, just as minecraft, to add a crafting base (Armoury) and as you progess through killing people you can pick up fallen parts that fell from the bodys (Or dig them up) and be able to craft new guns.
I understand that this would be hard, and will take time, but it seems like a good idea in my mind.

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