Friday, April 15, 2011

Study on Color to Gameplay Style Correlation

   So, we can all agree that the so called "color war" adds a lot of intensity to the game, but is any of the propaganda true? Today I will try to determine fact from fiction and truth from lies. Currently I would say there is the stereo type that blue focuses more on tunnels and less on building while green will build monstrous forts. Now, this seems actually plausible based on the layouts of the maps, even though the maps are procedurally generated they tend to still be lopsided. If you use the river that is located in every map as the separator of each colors land blue dwarfs green almost every time. So based on the fact blue must cross long stretches of land it would make sense that they would create tunnels/trenches to get to the front line or the river. This could also explain why green seems like it may have better "teamwork". With a smaller area to defend green would have to build with each other due to size constraints of their island. Same goes for blue in a way, much bigger area would allow the team to spread out and not work with their other team members. Don't believe that maps are truly "unbalanced" like this? Feel free to consult my research.

   From these map images you may not exactly see what I am talking about yet. Let me make it a little more evident.

The red dot is where I spawned as green.
So this may not exactly prove there are different playstyles for both teams but in my oppinion does a nice job supporting that green maybe "works together" a bit more simply becuase they are forced to by geography. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!


Unknown said...

The mere notion that Greens only work together because we are 'forced to' is a lie thought up by sick Blues to discredit our glory.
I support this claim with the fact that each of the map images shown above has clearly been taken from the Blue side.

The fact is that Green lands are vast and prosperous due to our unwavering comradeship and only a small area is represented as to include it all would be unfathomably difficult. The blue land represented in each map encompasses ALL of the blue's ever-shrinking territory

- Cerebulon, Green Ministry Wisdom

Unknown said...

I feel that the stereotypes are true because I, for example, switched from blue to green after I found out that green builds more than blue. And since most people do the same thing as me, you tend to get all the builders on green for the most part and the rushers/tunnel builders on blue.

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