Monday, April 25, 2011

Today's forecast is heavy hackers and a 50% chance of destroyed server.

Unfortunately as the game continues to gain popularity more and more people hear about how little anti-cheat protection there is. Besides from Ben making it harder to modify ironsights and adding kicking features little has truly been done to stop these pesky hackers from infesting your server. Here are some tips to help you spot cheaters.

1. Just look at the score board, does some Deuce have many more points then everyone else?

2. Check the map, are any huge chunks/all the mountains missing? sure it's possible for a team to dig out a mountain but only hacks can help you dig out the entire map.

3. Listen while you play, do you hear explosions in rapid succession? Do you hear someone shooting awfully fast? It's most likely a hacker.

You should do all this when you enter a server to ensure you don't accidentally play on a server full of hackers for hours! In case a cheater does join don't forget about votekick, to votekick simply type /votekick id#. In place of id# use the number to the left of their name in the scoreboard. So share with me and other readers, how do you identify and deal with a hacker? Also how bad have your experiences been with hackers so far?


Unknown said...

Every friggin game...hackers everywhere....

roefoe said...

You can easily use the model editing for cheating :( Just extent the editable models to have a big arrow above them.

Hackers annoy the shit out of is to join a server that doesn't stand out so much in the list, 50% of hackers do it for getting some attention anyway.

Anonymous said...

no hackers so far

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